After being home to Bombay Duck Designs for 12 years, we have come to develop a strong affinity for Byculla. During our tenure there, we thoroughly explored every facet of the area, from its architecture and culinary delights to its diverse communities and rich culture. We even crafted personalised maps for visitors to our studio, complete with recommendations for excellent restaurants and noteworthy architectural marvels. By 2019, we decided to formalise this initiative by meticulously researching, documenting, illustrating, and designing the Art and Culture Map of Byculla.
Unfortunately, the project encountered delays, and the onset of the pandemic compelled us to vacate our studio in Byculla. However, in 2023, we revisited our map and engaged with newer establishments like Bombay Sweet Shop and Subko Specialty Coffee Roasters in the neighbourhood, reigniting the possibility of bringing the project to fruition.
- Team Bombay Duck Designs

This map, now integrated into the broader initiative 'Because, Byculla,' represents an exciting endeavour to showcase the neighbourhood's distinctive past and present, encompassing its history, culture, diversity, and vibrant community through a visually captivating illustrated map. As recent enthusiastic residents of Byculla, we invite you to join us, map in hand, in rediscovering Byculla with fresh eyes, just as we did.
Yet, the map serves merely as the inception. Through an array of planned future initiatives, we aspire to provide compelling reasons for you to continue exploring Byculla, uncovering its myriad layers hidden in plain sight, and acknowledging it as the invaluable urban gem that it truly is.
- Team Because, Byculla

Team Bombay Duck Designs:
Murtaza Bookwala, Madhav Nair, Shirish Ghatge, Swapnil Sawant, Humera Khan and Zeenat Kulavoor.
Project enabled by: Bombay Sweet Shop and Subko Coffee
Research and writing: Alisha Sadikot
Research and writing on eateries: Nikita D'silva, Siddharth Somaiyya
Supported by: JAK Printers and Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Museum